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Title Lenght in search results

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  • #1338

    WordPRess Dreams Support

    I pourchased the Ajax Search Pro for WordPress yesterday from Codecayon.

    I just want to know how to change the Title Lenght of the search results.

    The results show me the 15 first characters of the title name of the posts, and them “…” How can change it to for example 20 characters after the “…” appears??

    Thanks for the support
    Best Regars from Spain

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by sergio00sergio00.
    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Sergio!

    I’m guessing you are searching post comments 🙂 It’s only possible to change by modifiing the source code, but you only need to edit 1 line.

    If you have ftp access, then open up this file: wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/includes/search_comments.class.php and go to line 70, you should see this:

    $commentsresults[$k]->title = substr($commentsresults[$k]->content, 0, 15)."...";

    If you want to change it to 20 characters, then replace that line with this:

    $commentsresults[$k]->title = substr($commentsresults[$k]->content, 0, 20)."...";

    Let me know if it helped or you need any assistance with this!


    Work Perfect!
    Thanks for the fast support!

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