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post query functionality

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  • #1934

    Related posts is a seriously important function / plugin for any website, with a great working plugin any owner can increase the interest and popularity of his website. We use such a plugin on every website project we create, however, up to now did not found the perfect solution for this job.

    I Just bought and reviewed your plugin and have to congratulate for your work, the plugin is great, very easy to use and the output looks great.

    Beside the styling the most important is how the plugin adresses the output and how flexible but also simple the configuration for this function is. While it is great to have complex functions for related post query, I don´t really understand how the plugin gets his result / output.

    What I am missing is the simple function to query post for categorys and / or tags (or even “look for categorys at first place, than for tags”). I know that in output it is possible to query the result for categorys, however, what I would like to do is to use the plugin withouth search querys in frontend and display related post based on categorys and / or tags, most liked, most viewed, etc. (including further options like sorting methode).

    Are you planning this? I am asking because we do quite some projects for clients using such a plugin on every project and if the plugin will adress this we have our plugin for future project 😉

    Greetings from Austria,

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by PlSup03PlSup03.
    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Dear Andreas!

    Thank you very much for the rating and the positive review, I appreciate that.

    I’m planning lot of things for the plugin in the future, right now I’m gathering suggestions like yours. I like the idea of selecting related posts based views, category, tags etc.. I’m 99% sure, that you will see something similar in the future updates, thank you for the very nice suggestions!


    Dear Ernest,

    thank you for your reply, I appreciate that you take care and consider suggestions. I have tried mostly all professional plugins, but I believe your plugin is on a good way to become the no. 1 plugin for related posts.

    Another suggestion is a sidebar widget, but there would be many further ideas and I believe you have already a long list of features.

    However, I can not stress how important it is to include the functions as described in my first suggestion. The most important is to have an easy “related posts” query which can be configured, and because mostly anyone uses category and tags in WP to relate posts, such a function would be basic.

    Just a last tipp: Currently the best related post plugin from my opinion is “Super Post”, it has simple but extensive configurations to create querys and may help to get some ideas!

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