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Child menu dropdowns

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  • #27743

    We have purchased your ajax search pro and have a question. How do we automatically hide the child/sub-categories to not show until the parent category is clicked?
    Here is the live view, we want to auto hide child categories.

    Virtual Trade Show Demo

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you for the details, it helps a lot.

    Currently I’m seeing a shearch bar and a drop-down box, but I am not exactly sure what are you looking for. Do you mean by any chance the checkbox filters, to hide the child terms, until the parent checkbox is clicked? For that, you can enable this option here.


    Hello Ernest,

    I apologize for the confusion. We had to remove the child terms as it did not look good and was confusing our clients.

    Here is a link to another sample page we created showing the problem. We want to hide the child terms until the parent is clicked. We are really hoping this is possible!

    SAR Demo

    Thanks for your help!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I still don’t think I uderstand the problem, I’m sorry. I click on the drop-down, select for example “Apparel”, I’m seeing the following results:
    Are these not correct? Or do you mean, that the items in the drop-down should be only the parent categories initially, and then somehow show the child categories? I’m afraid that is not possible.

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