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Search in UABB module

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  • #29466

    Hi. Do you know if there is a way to use Ajax Search Pro to search within UABB modules (Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder) that are used on a page? I know it’s a third party add on but I’m stumped. BTW, I’m using the Index Table. Also, the site is in development so not yet online.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Well, I cannot say for sure unfortuantely. If the modules are used the same way as the simple beaver builder modules, and are accessible when parsing the post (or other CPT) contents, then it should be no problem. If the contents are seemingly not indexed, then I’m afraid there is not much we can do about it unfortunately.


    Thanks for the reply. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but for some reason, content in a UABB module is not being indexed. I’ll keep digging.

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