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is this plugin provide real-time filter for normal post?

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  • #32452

    hello, I purchased this plugin for live search but the result is not what I expected.

    I think this ajax search plugin can provide a live filter like Woocommerce filter. (it is like a real-time filter that if I change the condition of filtering, the result is displayed just on the post section, not another page or result page or dropdown result bar)

    I read knowledge but It seems that this plugin provide filter(check box, price bar, etc) for just search result, not real time

    I found a live filter function I expected but it is just integrated Elementor pro

    Is it correct that the integrated live filter is function for only Elemetor pro? (also I tested on my post CSS class but is not worked)

    What I want to know is
    1. real-time filter is not provided for normal posts or pages?
    2. or I didn’t find this real-time filter?

    if real-time filter is not provided for a normal post, I found another plugin.

    my English skill is poor, so there is misunderstanding expression.
    So I attached another plugin link, I expect like this, functioning, please check.

    Travel Destinations

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    There is a live search results filter feature as well – which could work on the search results pages as well. Other archive pages (like category archive) and WooComemrce shop pages are not yet supported.

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