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Can results text go below image, with no padding around the image?

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  • #33447

    My goal is to get these vertical results to resemble the attached screenshot:

    Title and copy are below the image.

    The image and the item are both 320px wide.

    There is no padding around the sides and top of the image.

    Will this need a PHP template?

    Is there a configurable way to tell the plugin to choose a larger image? By Default, all my images seem to be scaled up from the thumbnail size.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    With the vertical layout it would require a lot of customization. If I may suggest, you should try the horizontal layout instead, without the horizontal scrollbar. It will display the items in a vertical fashion without the scrollbar. Resulting in this:
    If the results layout is set to block, or the results shortcode is used, then it will automatically push the content down as well, and the user can scroll the browser to view the results.


    Hi Ernest

    I think that’s going to work.

    Ignore the rest 🙂 I had a regular blog module below the results, so I was seeing the default formatting before ASP pushed it down.

    I got my formatting to work with a combination of compatibility settings, and using your CSS field as opposed to the other ways I was adding CSS.

    The Vertical settings box required a different selector to get it to lay out horizontally with your example CSS, but I figured it out.


    However, when I apply any styles of my own through external CSS, they seem to be discarded when the results finish loading. I tried putting the CSS in your Theme & Styling > Custom CSS field, with the same result.

    I want to apply a text-transform uppercase to the Results h3.

    I want the Categories filters to be 100% width and flex, as you have posted elsewhere in this forum.

    With the Horizontal layout, I didn’t have the issue. The custom styles I entered stayed applied.

    I can definitely see the text-transform: uppercase having effect, then having no effect when the results are done loading.

    Inspector says that all is well and nothing is overriding the style.

    Any ideas?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Can I take a look at this somewhere?

    If the CSS rule is correct, it will apply. There must be something wrong with it for sure. Also, make sure to clear all layers of cache, just to make sure it is not affecting the outcome.

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