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Index Table not working in 4.241.

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  • #40237

    Hi, the index table search engine does not work after updating to version 4.24.1. Worked ok on 4.23. I have a custom post type, with a ACF field as the keywords (post code numbers). Previously I use the index table, and indexed the field in all the custom posts. This used to work fine with the search and return a result. Now, the search does not return a result when doing that. Previously it did. Please see screen recording.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    First, make sure to clear all layers of cache, just to be sure it is not in relation to that. The back-end preview search may not work exactly as the front-end search, can you please test that too?

    If no luck, does the index table search yield any results to phrases from the titles or the content fields?


    Hi, we have tried on the front end and it is the same problem. This problem with the index happens on our staging site with no caching tools or plugins, and on our live site when we turn the cache off. I have just tested to index titles and content as well, and that doesn’t work with the index either. When we generate the index, it says it is generating keywords, but it doesn’t work. If i roll back the staging site to 4.23, it works, but when I update to 4.24.1 t doesn’t.

    I just tried installing this on a local install with MAMP and blank wordpress and it appears the issue is there as well. I can give you access to our staging site to test?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Yes please, access would be superb. Please add FPT as well if you can, that will make this very easy to debug.
    I tried to replicate this with the same settings, but no luck, somehow everything works all right on my end, so it must be something specific. Let me know!


    You cannot access this content.


    Hi in the private reply I’ve sent the access for the wordpress details on our staging site. I can’t give you FTP access as I can’t access that myself. Please let me know if anything else I can supply to help with fixing.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Thank you, perfect.

    I found the issue. Somehow when fetching the posts the “post_type” => “any” argument was simply ignored by wordpress and completely removed any results from the array. I had to make a correction to the plugin code to fix that. I will include this in the next upcoming release for sure.

    For reference the file I changed is: wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/includes/classes/Search/SearchIndex.php

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