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Insights strategy request

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  • #44704

    Dear Ajax Search Pro Support Team,

    We hope this message finds you well.

    We are extremely grateful for the remarkable work you have done. The Ajax Search Pro plugin has seamlessly integrated into our operations and become indispensable for our business functions.

    We are writing to seek your guidance regarding the customization we wish to implement for our company, based on an attached design.

    Our development team is keen to gain insights on your recommended strategy for us to structure the data to be passed to a custom presentation layout in “the right way”. We want to do this correctly to avoid affecting the plugin’s performance.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you very much for your kind words, it means a lot!

    Okay, for these customizations I would suggest the following:
    – The result groups can be altered via the asp_result_groups hook. This lets you add/change any current result groups when the grouping is enabled.
    – For the the associated product tags, it is probably sufficient to enable the search in taxonomy terms. These terms are automatically placed in the “other” group. You can of course move/change that via the filter suggested above.
    – To customize the layout I always suggest sticking to custom CSS only whenever it is possible. For changing parts of the layout of each result you can check the advanced title and content features.
    – For even more in-depth changes the results templating system is also available.


    Thank you Mr Ernest.

    We greatly appreciate your prompt and detailed response. Your suggestions and recommendations are invaluable to us and will assist us in moving forward with our customization.

    Thank you again for your support and assistance.

    Best regards,
    Abrahan Silverio

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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