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image search results help

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  • #44795

    How can I get images on the search results screen please? (see URL)

    Also, how can I get rid of the text in the ajax live search (see attachment)

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    The results page layout is a theme related feature, most themes may not be coded to display featured images for media files. It is however possible to request the image URL via a theme function: get_asp_result_field('image');
    If you are using a child theme, then this function can be used to request the result image URLs.

    To remove the title text from the results, it’s probably the best to use custom CSS for the styling to fit properly:

    .asp_content h3 {
       display: none !important;

    Can you suggest any themes that will properly display images for me?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Unfortunately I am not very familiar with these theme features. Usually we build our custom themes from the underscores theme – but that does not support it either by default.
    It is probably best to custom code it, it might be much faster.

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