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Custom FIeld in AJAX Search Pro settings

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  • #4516

    This is my demo site where Im testing your product. I have One custom post type custom fields there in . ( ADD Customer Data Post type you can see OR Loops >> Custom Fields will also show) I want to search the custom fields through ajaxsearcdh prp. Im not getting idea how to seeing documentation. hence Im here..if you could set it, Ill check and understand..
    ( Please let me know which which areas you edited/created so that I can understand going through that)

    Yhe field Amount of purchase will be displayed as sliding price filter so that the posts in between the selected price list will be listed. Price Range value 25000 to 1500000

    Query 2)
    HOw to set ? Please do not ask me to go and see documentation. If possible, create one and let me know ill check and understand.. or a video pls

    Thank you

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Can you update your ticket with website and login information? You can edit your post or attach a .txt file. Both methods are safe and visible to only me and you.


    At first step , I have filled up the user credentials.. if you dont see that then why that step?

    its really a time wasting movement to your customer..too bad
    any ways,
    *hidden for security reasons*

    This info already given to you as first step.. horrible forum

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    I don’t think it’s time wasting… I’m not even obligated to give any kind of support.

    Other authors may give you only paid support, and being rude and abusive with me might result in a ban from the ticket system.

    Please be respectful, as I’m only trying to help you for free of charge.


    i give you credentials.. and I was not informed support is paid before purchase..

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    The support is FREE

    All I’m asking is to be respectful with me, as I’m respectful with you.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Do you know the name of the custom field is storing the price of the product?

    I will try to set up a filter related to the price, but I don’t know which custom field holds the price.


    Im always respecfull
    respecrted, respected respected.
    will now my query be cleared? after purchase, i never used it just reading docuemntations..
    and first time asking support, and that too giving all login credentials, and even after if Im asked to give credentials, being a client, no other ways..
    With all respects ,
    can you or any of your respected team can clear this query?


    I give you user credentials, and if logged in you can see the custom fields.. as a trial only 5 or 6 fields there in..
    I want the search with custom field, and that is my first issue, and second issue, how to create a filters as in given url
    with respect,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Look I’m happy to help you, but I have to ask questions to know what you are trying to achieve with the plugin.

    What do you mean by clearing the query?
    Do you know the name of the custom field which holds the product price?

    I will try to set up an example with explanations, but I need this information 😉


    Pls wait… for a movement.. ill show it..


    Pls find attached image which was taken from url


    at present, name will will have Kannan Sreenivas, Raman Sing ( for eg) will be ready for search
    Phone field: 7403004433 will be there for search..
    Amount of Purchase is price field, and state and cisites..

    Once I get an Idea how to it, I will not disturb.. Ill digg on that..


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    I think I understand a bit better now. You are trying to search Custom Fields for Customer data.

    On the General Options->Sources panel, you can select which fields you want to search, I have already selected a few, see screenshot:

    Next, I have created a filter for price as an example. This is how it looks like on the back end:
    It shows a slider on the front-end with a range of 1-1000000:


    I appriciate your effort, but it still not came to a final results.. Let me explain

    1. As you guessed, I need my custom fields results. ( all fields. If you just put one and as you shown in Image, rest I can)

    2. As per image, you have set Name custom fields. BUT the names as in this url
    dose not come in search results. and in search result, theres no name field too.. I dont knoww what happened. Do it needed to insert name also here ?
    3. Second Part, Pls let me know where you changed to take out that filter outside the right drop drown ans how you show it as in first appearance itself as in

    Please do let me know where where I have to set to get the search results in custom field? that is my main issue.
    If I take Name field here (
    how to set the followings? this is what Im confusing a lot..
    sample_value1||Sample Label 1
    sample_value2||Sample Label 2**
    sample_value3||Sample Label 3

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