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Accessibility Checker Suggests Imporper Use of Link

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  • #46528

    Hi team! I hope everyone is having. a great start to the new year. Recently I’ve been prepping a project for launch and been running it through accessibility tests. I am getting an error on my Ajax Search Pro page, specifically the following:

    An Improper Use of Link error appears if you have links that are missing an href attribute or are only linked to a #, and do not have role=”button” on them. Links should be used to direct people to other parts of your site. Any other functionality that triggers an action should be a button. To resolve this error you need to recode the link to use a <button> tag (preferable) or add role=”button” to the existing tag. If the element is a toggle button (such as an accordion), additional ARIA attributes are required.

    The elements in question seem to be chevron arrows:

    <a class="asp_prev"> <svg xmlns="" width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><polygon points="142.332,104.886 197.48,50 402.5,256 197.48,462 142.332,407.113 292.727,256"></polygon></svg> </a>


    <a class="asp_next"> <svg xmlns="" width="22" height="22" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><polygon points="142.332,104.886 197.48,50 402.5,256 197.48,462 142.332,407.113 292.727,256"></polygon></svg> </a>

    Would it be possible to add the button role to these links in the next update? Or even an option to disable the next and previous options, since I know, at least in my case, I’m showing all results on one page anyhow.

    Thanks for your time reading my issue!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you very much for the notice. I made an issue on the tracker and resolved it immediately, so it will be included in the upcoming release 🙂


    You are a wizard, Ernest! Thank you for your fast fix

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You cannot access this content.

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