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Search within "Post Object" custom field

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  • #46907

    I have Ajax Search Pro searching a directory of Doctors. One of the custom fields is set up in ACF, and is a “Post object” field.

    Ajax Search Pro does not return the correct results when users type in the titles of these posts into the search bar. In fact, it doesn’t acknowledge that there are any results when using that post field information as a query.

    We have other text-based fields that are set up in ACF that Ajax Search Pro is able to pull results from, but it does not seem to work with
    Post Object fields. I have the “Search All Custom FIelds” selected as mentioned in this article:

    Can you shed some light on this? Thank you.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thanks for the details, it helps a lot!

    Post object fields are stored by reference, so they have to be indexed first. They are a bit tricky, but still searchable.

    For that, make sure to configure the index table engine, generate the index and swtich the search to the on the search instance settings. With that, the post object field titles should be picked up and stored in the search database.


    Hmm, that didn’t seem to work. Would you mind logging in and taking a look?


    You cannot access this content.


    It seems that it works in 4.26.2, but doesn’t work in 4.26.3

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    I think I know why, I was just doing some debugging during your last message.

    It seems to be related to another issue related to the index table, it was reported just yesterday. Luckily I have already found a patch, so a quickfix will be available in 2-3 days for sure.

    Can you keep 4.26.2 until then? I can suggest a modification for 4.26.3, but it’s going to be patched very soon either way.


    That’s fine. Thank you for looking into this!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You are welcome 🙂

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