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Terms Search

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  • #7857

    Hi, I just noticed in your documentation the following text:

    If you need to look for phrases in categories or other terms, then you should turn on this
    Please not that this option is extremely resource heavy! Sites with lots of posts/products will
    most likely experience higher delays in ajax search.

    I have around 1000 posts, in each one, there is no text, just a video in each one.
    So in order to search for the video content, I have created tags for each video (the tags resume the video content), but as this is a heavy process.

    1. Should I place the tags as the post content, in order to lighten the search?, If yes, cant this content be search if is hidden trough CSS?
    2. If no, what would be the best approach?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    1000 posts with tags should not be an issue. If the search speed is no different when the option is enabled, then no further action is required in my opinion.

    1. It would actually work, the plugin looks in the database, so the styling is ignored.

    2. The best approach in this case would be to configure and enable the index table engine, it would save you the time of adding the tags below each post manually. Check the index table chapter (12) and subchapters in the documentation for more information.


    Hi, just to make sure, ven if every post has around 30-50 tags it wont be an issue right?

    I am creating the index table @index table tag an got this error:

    .. Moved to local file

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko. Reason: Error moved Moved to local file due to length
    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    It should not be an issue in my opinion.

    If you want and you can provide temporary back-end and FTP access, I can take a look and debug the index table problem as well.


    You cannot access this content.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Yes, it can definitely cause a problem like this one.

    In this case you have two possible options to test:

    1. Turning off the “Execute Shortcodes” option on the index table Advanced Options panel:
    This will remove every shortcode, but any dynamic content as well, which might be still useful.

    2. Trying to exclude the suspicious shortcodes one-by-one with the “Remove these shortcodes” option, and see if the index is generated:


    You cannot access this content.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Once you save a post/page or anything else, the index table is updated automatically, you don’t need to do it manually each time.

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