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BP User Role Search

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    Jaime Fernandezjaimon82


    I bought your plugin yesterday and I’m very happy with it so far.
    But i need to set up a search for BP Users Roles.

    I have 3 roles (Invitado / Artista / Anfitrion) and I need to configure the search filtering by those roles.

    It dosen’t look like something difficult but I couldn’t find the way to do it.

    Any help?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    If you mean excluding users based on roles, then you should be able to do it on the General Options -> User search panel with the User roles exclude option.

    However if you want to create a filter based on user roles, that is unfortunately not possible. I can however note it as a feature request, and see if there is anything I can do to implement it in a future release.

    Jaime Fernandezjaimon82

    Hi Ernst!
    Wow… What a disappointment…

    Yes it was exactly what I needed.
    If you could note this as a possible future implement it would be great.

    However, I though something that could be a temporal solution.
    If Ajax Search Pro is able to search in BP XProfile I can make a Role Type linked to a specific XProfile (something like BP XProfile Member Type)

    Do you thing can this could work?
    Thanks again Ernest

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Yep, adding new, usable filters is actually extremely difficult from the developer (my) side. The recently implemented post tag filter took me over 60 hours alone with all the logics and testing, until everything worked fine. It appears to be really easy because of the interface, but in reality there are hundreds of things to take care of.

    I highly doubt that would work to be honest with you. If there was any easy temporary solution to this, I would do it for you. I don’t like to disappoint anyone, I usually make modifications if needed, but in this case I can’t do anything, it’s too difficult to implement it quickly, I’m sorry.

    Jaime Fernandezjaimon82

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