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Posts not pages

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  • #9287

    Not sure if you received my last ticket, but the search is not searching our pages……only posts. We have the settings set to search for pages and posts. Is there something we’re doing wrong?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Yes, I did just read your ticket, was about to respond 🙂 Can you pleave provide back-end and FTP login details so I can check the problem? It’s unfortunately impossible to tell without seeing the issue.


    This is on our dev server which sits behind our firewall. We’re trying to develop the search plugin into our site first before we release. Do the permissions on the folder cache matter in this particular issue?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Only if the search cache is enabled. In that case wordpress might not be able to clear it, causing to return cached results. If it’s turned on, make sure to turn it off.

    I very highly doubt that this is the cause, but it’s worth making sure.

    If you create another fresh search instance, without changing any of the default options, does it return pages? If so, then it might indicate a configuration related problem. If you have lots of data, try to pick a very specific keyword from a page title, which should definitely return a specific page. When debugging these issues, I usually make a test page with a random, one word title, and look for that word to see if matches.

    If that still does not return anything, then it’s most likely some sort for compatibility/conflict related problem. In this case, if you have an online test copy, or a staging copy, I gladly debug through the plugin code to see what’s causing the failure.

    You can also check the PHP error log file you have one, if there is any errors related or pointing to the search directory, let me know.

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