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Reply To: Requesting some information for plugin template modification

Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


First, to target multiple IDs you can indeed use an array, like so:

[php]if ( isset($_POST[‘asid’]) && in_array($_POST[‘asid’], array(3, 4, 5, 6)) ) {[/php]

On results pages these filters won’t work, these are only invoked when using the ajax search.

To add content to the results page, you will probably have to use the the_content filter to attach the handler, but it depends on your theme as well. Some themes do not execute this filter on archive/search pages.

An example use of the_content filter, targeting only search archive page:

This one I’m not sure if works, but I think the search ID is passed on to the results page as well:

The taxonomy-term exclusion seems to be a bug indeed, I’m surprised nobody noticed it before. I will look into that. A new release is coming out today, I will try to fix this issue as well with that.