Dynamic width content grid with jQuery and Isotope

Ernest Marcinko jQuery, Tutorials 2 Comments

This small code snippet will allow you to create a content grid, which fits it’s container width at all times by calculating the optimal width of the columns. It’s highly responsive, works with any (sane) container width.
It’s just a small code snippet, you can easily change it. I decided to use jQuery as many of you use it by default, and the javascript enthusiasts will probably port it for their needs in 5 minutes.

See the Pen Dynamic Content Grids with jQuery and Isotope by Ernest Marcinko (@wpdreams) on CodePen.


As I said before, it’s merely a demonstration so nothing is strict except for the item sizes – all of them must be the same. I will most likely make an update later on to support dynamic item heights.

<div class='jdg-container'>
   <!-- First item -->
   <div class='jdg-item'>
     <img src='https://i.imgur.com/eXZxk5x.png' />
     <p>Don't eat your phone</p>

   <!-- Second item -->
   <div class='jdg-item'>
     <img src='https://i.imgur.com/3DO53fz.png' />
     <p>This mouse is expensive</p>

   <!-- Third item, etc..-->


Mostly colors and font sizes, however the items must be floating to fit properly.

[css] .jdg-container {
width: 610px;
height: auto;
background: transparent;
boder-radius: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
box-sizing: content-box;

.jdg-item {
width: 200px;
height: 180px;
margin: 2px;
padding: 0 0 10px;
position: relative;
background: #efefef;
border-bottom: 4px solid #657581;

.jdg-item p {
margin: 0;
font-size: 13px;
margin: 2px 6px;
font-weight: 600;
color: #205770;

.jdg-item img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: content-box;


The jQuery plugin code is somewhat longer, but it’s easily understandable.

[javascript] // The dynamicGrid plugin code starts here
(function ($) {
var methods = {

init: function (options, elem) {
var $this = this;

this.elem = elem;
this.$elem = $(elem);
this.o = $.extend({
"isotopeArgs": {
"itemSelector": ".jdg-item",
"layoutMode": "masonry"
"width": 300,
"height": 150,
"itemsSelector": ".jdg-item"
}, options);
var t = null;
$this.isotopeInstance = new Isotope(this.elem, this.o.isotopeArgs);
$(window).on(‘resize’, function(){
t = setTimeout(function(){

resizeColumns: function ( ) {
var $items = $(this.o.itemsSelector, this.elem);
var containerWidth = parseFloat($(this.elem).innerWidth());
var realColumnCount = containerWidth / this.o.width;
var floorColumnCount = Math.floor(realColumnCount);
if (floorColumnCount <= 0)
floorColumnCount = 1;
/*if ((realColumnCount – floorColumnCount) > 0.8)
if (Math.abs(containerWidth / floorColumnCount – this.o.width) >
Math.abs(containerWidth / (floorColumnCount + 1) – this.o.width)) {

var newItemW = Math.floor(containerWidth) / floorColumnCount – $items.outerWidth(true) + $items.innerWidth();
var newItemH = (newItemW / this.o.width) * this.o.height;

width: Math.floor(newItemW),
height: Math.floor(newItemH)

if (typeof Object.create !== ‘function’) {
Object.create = function (o) {
function F() {

F.prototype = o;
return new F();

// Create a plugin based on a defined object
$.plugin = function (name, object) {
$.fn[name] = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, name)) {
$.data(this, name, Object.create(object).init(
options, this));

$.plugin(‘dynamicGrid’, methods);
// The dynamicGrid plugin code ends here


A classic plugin initialization.

[javascript] $(document).ready(function(){
"isotopeArgs": {},
"width": 200,
"height": 180,
"itemsSelector": ".jdg-item"

The isotopeArgs variable expects an object with the arguments for the Isotope instance. You can read abou the isotope config on it’s website.

Comments 2

  1. Sofia

    Very useful article for the people like me. It’s really a worthy post with great explanation on code snippet’s and how can we edit easily. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

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