Reply To: Can't search cross network

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

You are welcome!

Unfortunately that is not possible, the same search configuration applies for both sites.

By duplicates you mean posts with the same titles on both sites? Because those are not actual duplicates in terms of the post objects, as multisite uses separate database tables to store the post type objects per site.

One thing you can try, is to use this custom code to try to “filter” the duplicate titles post-search:

1. Make sure to have a back-up of your site in case of any issues you can restore it.
2. Try putting this anywhere into the functions.php file in your active theme directory (wp-content/themes/theme-name/functions.php file):

add_filter('asp_pagepost_results', 'asp_try_filtering_dupe_titles', 1, 1);

function asp_try_filtering_dupe_titles($results) {
  $new_res = array();
  $titles = array();
  foreach ($results as $r) {
    if ( !in_array($r->title, $titles) ) {
      $new_res[] = $r;
      $titles[] = $r->title;

  return $new_res;

This essentially checks if the object title is already in the results, if so then it’s not returned.

Ernest Marcinko

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