Reply To: A couple questions

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


1. In some cases you will have to change the input field background as well because it might overlay the whole search bar. You can find it on the Theme Options -> Input field layout panel:

2. It might be possible.
I’ve looked up a support thread where someone was using the social feather plugin, and I was able come up with a solution to include the icons on the front-end results:

Other possible resources:
One is to use a filter to modify the results content to append the extra html code of the icons there. There is a tutorial on how to add WooCommerce add to cart buttons to results, which I believe is a good starting point:

Another one is to directly edit the plugin template files. Here is a detailed guide on how to do so:

3. On the General Options -> Sources panel you can select which post types to include. I believe you only need to enable the “Search in posts” option in this case. If the blog posts are in a specific category, you can also set up to include items from only that category on the Advanced Options -> Exclude results panel:

Ernest Marcinko

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