Reply To: Can't overwrite with custom content within single post / Question about slick

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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


1. I recall it was something with the de-coding of the custom based content, but we weren’t able to tell what it was caused by, and why.
I think however I might be able to suggest a solution, but it involves editing the plugin source, so have a back-up just in case.

Open up the wp-content\plugins\related-posts-pro\includes\shortcodes.php file and scroll to lines 66-67, which should be:

if (isset($rpp_data['selected-customcontent']) && count($rpp_data['selected-customcontent']) > 0)
    $defaultContent = $rpp_data['selected-customcontent'];

and replace those lines with this:

if ( isset($rpp_data['customcontent']) ) {
    $rpp_data['selected-customcontent'] = explode('|', $rpp_data['customcontent']);
    foreach ($rpp_data['selected-customcontent'] as $kk => &$vv)
        $vv = json_decode(base64_decode($vv), false);
if (isset($rpp_data['selected-customcontent']) && count($rpp_data['selected-customcontent']) > 0)
    $defaultContent = $rpp_data['selected-customcontent'];

This should solve it hopefully.

2. In this case I think you are better off by defining a pixel width, instead of a percentage one I believe.

The slick and slide scripts tries to resize the elements in a way that always a “whole” number of items are displayed. So the size defined there is just a starting point.

Another possible solution might be to use media queries to override the initial widths. These will only apply when the page is reloaded with a different size – as the slick layout parses the initial width on page load. I haven’t actually tried this, but I would do something like this:

@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px)  {
  div[id^="relatedpostspro_0_"].rpp_slick .rpp_item {
      width: 33%;

@media only screen and (max-width: 780px)  {
  div[id^="relatedpostspro_0_"].rpp_slick .rpp_item {
      width: 50%;

@media only screen and (max-width: 320px)  {
  div[id^="relatedpostspro_0_"].rpp_slick .rpp_item {
      width: 100%;

I’m not sure if these will work, but the slick script should get the variable values based on the screen size.

Ernest Marcinko

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