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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


– {prefix}_ajaxsearchpro
– {prefix}_asp_index

..tables are the most important, as the first one contains the search instance configurations, the second is the keyword index (if used). The statistics and the priorities are not crucial.

There are also options set in the {prefix}_options talbe, each is prefixed with ‘asp_’ so it’s easier to find them even manually. I highly recommend syncing those as well. Those contain the options from the compatibility, performance, statistics etc.. submenus. If not synced, the defaults are used automatically.

It is also possible that there is post meta set under the ‘_asp_metadata’ and ‘_asp_additional_tags’ keys in the post_meta table. However, if you don’t use the ajax search pro meta box options on the post editor screen, these can be completely ignored as well.

I hope this helps!

Ernest Marcinko

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