Reply To: Upgrade from Ajax Lite to Pro > adopt settings

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Upgrade from Ajax Lite to Pro > adopt settings Reply To: Upgrade from Ajax Lite to Pro > adopt settings

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

Hi Alex,

The lite and the pro version are two different plugins, to allow you switching back to the lite version whenever you want to.
For this reason there is no export of options to the pro version, but you can very esily re-create the same layout, as the pro version has all the features that lite one has as well:

1. You will have to disable the Lite version first.
2. Then, create a new search instance within the pro version
3. Then, if you had the form override, make sure to choose this newly create form to override the default search form as well:
4. Now, it is time to configure the search instance, so go ahead and click on the search settings button:
5. I see you have a “Round theme”, so on the Theme Options -> Theme chooser, choose the “Round black vertical”:

This should give you the same layout as you had in the lite version. Also, make sure to check the General Options panel, to see if the correct post types are selected for search.

For more details, I recommend checking the following documentation sections:
General Options
Frontend search settings/filters

I hope this helps!

Ernest Marcinko

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