Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax) Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


This is actually requested by some users right now. The problems are:

1. The search uses POST method instead of GET, to prevent excessive external usage – I highly doubt I can change that as of now, or ever – it’s too much of a security risk.

2. The data returned by the search is not in a compatible format with a standars “WP_Query” data. There are several reasons for this, manly related to search speed and compatibility and of course some data does not have the required fields to act like a post – which cannot be returned as a default search result.

This issue is far more complicated, than a few modifications unfortunately. I have tried to solve this a few times as of now, but something always went wrong.

The solution will involve creating a filter, which hooks to the default search filter, then includes the search files, sends the search data through somehow (selected checkboxes, etc), transforms the data to the ajax search pro, recieves the results, then converts the results to wordpress-compatible format and returns.

Ernest Marcinko

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