Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax) Reply To: Showing the search results on the search page (i.e. going without the Ajax)

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko

1. First of all this way the call can be accessed from outside your server, which poses a possible threat of excessive usage. GET is also limited in terms of parameters length. In some cases people like to exclude dozens of categories, posts etc.. which is all part of the fronted as well. So there is a chance of data loss.

You can of course try if you want. Look in the search.php in the main directory. Lines 192-193:

        $_posts = new wpdreams_searchContent($params);
        $pageposts =  $_posts->search($s); 

Basically that’s the heart of it. You can do a “var_dump($params);die();” to see what data is passed to the constructor. The class is located at includes/search_content.class.php. It extends the includes/search.class.php, so you will need that as well.
The $pageposts variable will contain an array of the results. Pobably adapting this code is the best idea to start with.

Good luck!

Ernest Marcinko

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