Reply To: Server Crashed because of Plugin


Yeah no dice and it’s 100% the plugin. We turned it on and off and everytime if ate up the CPU. See attached;
Nevermind, there it goes, CPU usage just shot up 100% on MySQL.

| 50317 | devhoopl_dev | localhost | devhoopl_dev | Query | 40 | Copying to tmp table | SELECT
hooplaha_posts.post_title as title,
hooplaha_posts.ID as id,
hooplaha_posts.post_date as date,
hooplaha_posts.post_content as content,
hooplaha_posts.post_excerpt as excerpt,
hooplaha_users.user_nicename as author,
hooplaha_posts.post_type as post_type,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT hooplaha_terms.term_id) as terms,
MATCH(hooplaha_posts.post_title) AGAINST (‘goose roast it&#039’ IN BOOLEAN MODE) +
MATCH(hooplaha_posts.post_content) AGAINST (‘goose not holiday potatoes kitchen into meal christmas around cooked’ IN BOOLEAN MODE)) as relevance
FROM hooplaha_posts
LEFT JOIN hooplaha_postmeta ON hooplaha_postmeta.post_id = hooplaha_posts.ID
LEFT JOIN hooplaha_users ON hooplaha_users.ID = hooplaha_posts.post_author
LEFT JOIN hooplaha_term_relationships ON hooplaha_posts.ID = hooplaha_term_relationships.object_id
LEFT JOIN hooplaha_term_taxonomy ON hooplaha_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = hooplaha_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN hooplaha_terms ON hooplaha_term_taxonomy.term_id = hooplaha_terms.term_id

(hooplaha_posts.ID <> 8167) AND
(hooplaha_posts.post_type REGEXP ‘dummy_notting|post|page’) AND
hooplaha_posts.ID NOT IN (-99) AND
(hooplaha_posts.post_status = ‘publish’) AND
(MATCH(hooplaha_posts.post_title,hooplaha_posts.post_content) AGAINST (‘goose roast it&#039’ IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR MATCH(hooplaha_posts.post_title,hooplaha_posts.post_content) AGAINST (‘goose not holiday potatoes kitchen into meal christmas around cooked’ IN BOOLEAN MODE))
GROUP BY hooplaha_posts.ID
ORDER BY relevance DESC, hooplaha_posts.post_date DESC
LIMIT 10 | 0.000 |