Reply To: Open custom_url in new tab

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


If I understand correctly, you want to open the only the custom URLs in a new window. Well, there is an option to open all links in a new tab on the Layout Options -> Results behavior panel. (first option)

First of all, enable that option so everything is redirected to a new window.

Then, try using this custom Javascript method:

$(function() {
  $('.results').on('click', '.asp_isotopic_item' , function(e) {
     var thisDomain = "";
     var url = $('.asp_content > h3 > a', this).attr('href');
     // If it is a local url, prevent opening a new tab, open directly
     if (url.indexOf(thisDomain) > -1) {
        location.href = url;
     return true;

It basically attaches a function to the click event of the result item. Then checks if the item url is local or not. If local, then aborts the default operation (opening to a new tab) and instead it opens to the local window. Not sure how this is going to work, but this is the best idea I can think of, which does not include modifying the plugin code.

Ernest Marcinko

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