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Reply To: Index table problem

Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


Sorry, I had a business related stuff to take care of today.

If you transfered over the exact files, the fix should be there. Just make sure that the Javascript Source is set to “Non Minified” on the Compatibility settings submenu. The transfer might have changed that back to the default value.

The change I did was the following:

– Open the wp-content/plugins/ajax-search-pro/js/nomin/jquery.ajaxsearchpro.js file
– Then after line 72, which should be this:

[code] $this.lastSuccesfulPhrase = ”; // Holding the last phrase that returned results[/code]

I added the following line:

[code] $this.o.redirect_url = $(‘<textarea />’).html($this.o.redirect_url).text();[/code]

I just checked via FTP, the line is there, so it’s probably only the compatibility option changed.