Reply To: Search Result

Chris Thoo
Chris Thoo

Hi Ernest,

The username & password is still the same.
There’s one more thing I would like to seek for your advice.

As you can see, if I do a search for “Optical”, it will return the results which is fine.
Btw “Optical” is the name of the Optical outlets.
I can also see from the result page, on the right side (The original search widget for this theme) would have “Optical” displayed in the box for Outlet name.

So all is good. But when I use your search box to search for “Selangor”, which is the location (Field type is ListingType), no result is found. This makes sense because it is searching for “Selangor” in the box for Outlet Name.

Is there any way I can have your search to search for all 3 types? (Outlet Name, Brands, Locations)

Many thanks. I can think of no other stuff to amend other than this. I really think that this script is good!