There is no option for that, but here is a filter I quickly put together:
[php]add_filter("asp_results", "asp_top_keywords");
function asp_top_keywords( $results, $id ) {
$count = 20; // How many keywords?
if ( !isset($results[‘nores’]) ) return $results;
global $wpdb;
$keywords = array();
$_keywords = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT keyword FROM ".$wpdb->base_prefix."ajaxsearchpro_statistics
ORDER BY num desc LIMIT " . $count, ARRAY_A);
foreach($_keywords as $k=>$v) {
$keywords[] = $v[‘keyword’];
$results[‘keywords’] = $keywords;
return $results;
Add this to the functions.php file in your active themes folder. Before using this, don’t forget to turn on the search statistics on the Search Statistics submenu. It will not work without it.