Reply To: Can't fill contact form inputs when fixed search is added to the site

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Can't fill contact form inputs when fixed search is added to the site Reply To: Can't fill contact form inputs when fixed search is added to the site

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


If you use the search form on a different location (footer widget, sidebar etc..), then is it working?
I don’t think the location should make any difference in this case.

Can you link me to a page where the plugin and the contact form is active? I would like to check this out on my mobile to see if there are any error messages or anything related.

I’m not sure if loading on non-mobile is possible, but there is actually a built-in server side mobile detection function called wpdreams_ismobile() in ajax search pro, so you can try to change the shortcode to something like:

<?php if ( wpdreams_ismobile() == 0 ) { echo do_shortcode('&#91;wpdreams_ajaxsearchpro id=1&#93;'); } ?>

Although I’m not sure if that will work, the plugin might not be loaded in the header stage yet, so it might show a warning that the function is not defined, but it’s worth a try.

Ernest Marcinko

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