Reply To: Non-linear slider

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Luckily it seems that this is possible with some minor modifications, but to on a different file. Based on the slider documentation and your description it appears that 2 additional parameters are required, and it should work. I’m assuming you want to use a range slider, I guess that’s the best option for this purpose.

Open up the \ajax-search-pro\includes\views\asp.shortcode.custom_fields.php file on your server and navigate to lines 196-203, where you should see this:

"main": {
    "start": [ <?php echo $_s_value_low; ?>, <?php echo $_s_value_up; ?> ],
    "step": <?php echo $item->asp_f_range_step; ?>,
    "range": {
        "min": [  <?php echo $item->asp_f_range_from; ?> ],
        "max": [  <?php echo $item->asp_f_range_to; ?> ]

Based on the documentation and your description, change that code to:

"main": {
    "start": [ <?php echo $_s_value_low; ?>, <?php echo $_s_value_up; ?> ],
    "step": <?php echo $item->asp_f_range_step; ?>,
    "range": {
        "min": [  <?php echo $item->asp_f_range_from; ?> ],
        "90%": [  2000000, 2000000 ],
        "max": [  <?php echo $item->asp_f_range_to; ?> ]

If I understand correctly, then this should set the 90% mark to 2 million and increase the stepping to 2 million from the initial from there. That should be an even stepping up to 20 million, similarly distributed as the 25k stepping up to 2 million. Altough it’s just a theory, you might need to experiment a little, or add additional parameters as well 🙂
Let me know how this works.

Ernest Marcinko

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