Reply To: Date in Results in german

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


Sorry about the late answer. I had to investigate this problem as I thought the localization was done automatically.
This is actually a bug, which I will have to fix in the upcoming release.

Until then, I have put together a temporary fix for you. Put this code into the functions.php file in your active theme directory:

add_filter('asp_pagepost_results', 'asp_loc_dates', 1, 1); 
function asp_loc_dates( $results ) {
  foreach ($results as $k => $r) {
    if ( empty($r->date) ) continue;

    $results[$k]->date = date_i18n( "d. F Y", strtotime($r->date) );
  return $results;
Ernest Marcinko

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