Reply To: Jquery conflict


Hi Ernest.

I had to dig up and force myself to use the enqueue script stuff in the wordpress functions.
I didnt want to in the first place, because ‘photon’ had to be loaded before the document completion in some cases. Nevermind.

FYI i enqued everything, have the JQMIGRATE text showing in console, and cannot override wordpress basic jquery with a more recent one. I wanted to integrate jquery v3+, but your plugin isn’t compatible (some ‘on’ and ‘load’ are no more written the same way. No big deal, but you should consider looking into that 🙂 ). So yeah, i had to use the native jquery, and downgrade some stuff in my scripts to get everything working as expected or almost as expected.

Good news is… i am fully operational again, the previous scripts are almost 100% functional, and the search is fully working.
Now to stylize it !

quick notes :
– the scrolling behaviour in the dynamic search is buggy under OSX
– i have not found yet a way to stylize the scrollbar. Still looking. If it’s not available, make it so please ! 😀
– I will also add some CSS styling to this. Not sure yet where to put that, will look into it soon too.

Thanks for your time, very appreciated !

Best regards,