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Custom Taxonomies not showing in Filter

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  • #4271

    Hi Ernest,

    Thanks for the plugin, it looks like it has so much potential.

    So here’es the situation. I have custom taxonomies set up for my custom post type. I would like to enable users to filter their search by these custom taxonomies. To do this, I am going to my frontend search settings for the form, categories & taxonomies, and then at the bottom under “Show the following taxonomy term selectors on the frontend”.

    Now there are two problems. First is on the backend. Say I choose a custom taxonomy “Series”. I click and drag the 2 terms to the box on the right and hit save. After the page refreshes, in the box on the right I see 2 blank lines, and when I go back to select the Series taxonomy the terms do not show up on the box on the left. Now here is where it gets weirder. From there if I then go to another taxonomy “Authors” and click and drag say 4 terms from that other taxonomy and hit save. Now on the page refresh I see a total of 6 blank lines on the right, and now the “Series” terms are showing up again in the left box, however the “Authors” terms are now missing.

    The second problem is that the taxonomies are not showing up on the frontend. I have attached a screenshot of both the backend and frontend issues. I haven’t done any custom styling yet on the frontend, and when inspecting the elements there is simply nothing being output where the taxonomy terms should be.

    Hopefully that makes sense and the screenshots help. This is all on a local install and if possible I’d really like to not have to push it to a staging environment. If there’s no other way I can go ahead.



    Sorry, it wouldn’t allow me to attach both files to the 1st post….


    Sorry, can anyone help with this? I’ve tried different configs with no luck…

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Sorry, it looks like I missed your ticket by accident.

    I’m not sure which version of the plugin are you using, but based on your buyer data I’m guessing 3.5. If so, then please download it again from codecanyon and proceed to update to version 4.0. There are a few safe-update steps described in the first chapter of the new documentation, which I suggest to follow.

    I remember someone else had a similar issue, and I’ve changed up a few things in this new version, so I hope this will fix this problem. If the update does not change anything, then let me know and we figure out something else.


    Ok thanks a lot Ernest. Actually I have 4.0 installed…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by kmcaloonkmcaloon.
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