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Few questions about custom usage

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  • #9914

    Hello wpdreams!

    I have a few problems with my Ajax Search Pro and I need your help.

    1) Category suggestions – I have a category named “Płyta Egger” and when I’m searching for “Płyty egger” (plular form in polish) it doesn’t find it – that’s OK! The problem is that the category “Płyta Egger” is not in TOP20 of suggestions that are given – how can I fix this?

    2) Mixed title & term search – I have a structure of products where product titles don’t have the product type in them (it’s included in a category).
    For example – I have a product named “ALUMINIUM” in a category called “Płyta Egger”
    When I search for Płyta Egger I get all the products – that’s fine
    When I search for Aluminium I get the product I want – that’s fine
    But when I search for Płyta Egger Aliumium I get nothing – that’s not OK! – how can I fix this?

    This one is a HUGE PROBLEM FOR ME.
    Would for example – adding a custom field to each product that contains it’s categories and then including this custom field in the search help?

    3) Search replace terms – is it possible to create a list of search & replace terms that would be replaced while searching.
    For example I have all my categories in single form (in polish) – Płyta
    I could create a list to always replace “Płyty” (plural form) to “Płyta” (single form) – would this be possible?

    Please help!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    1. Well, there is not much to do in this case unfortunately. The plugin tries to check phrases with different beginnings and endings, but it stops there, to avoid performance problems. With more complex queries it would slow down extremely or never return results in worst case.

    2. I’ve looked at your installation, and I made a few changes in the plugin configuration which I believe is closer for your needs.

    – You had the Show exact matches only option activated – this already prevents mixed phrases as there is no item exactly matching “Płyta Egger Aluminium” in any of the fields
    – Then I changed the keyword logic to AND as you have many products, this will fit much better:
    – ..and since you need the logic to apply on mixed phrases from different fields you need the index table engine, so I configured, created and enabled it for you.

    Now if you search for example “Płyta Egger Aluminium” it will show the item which has all of these words in any of the selected fields (title, content, excerpt and category names)

    3. It’s possible, but only with a custom code. You can use this one, in the functions.php file in your active theme directory:

    Basically change the $mapping array to the items you need. To the left side is the word you want to replace, to the right goes the replacement. I hope this helps!


    Hi Ernest!

    Thank you for your help – at this point this is the best support we have ever gotten from Envato vendors – simply amazing.

    We have one more problem – products that have a “dot” in their name.
    This is the name of the product – “3102042Z.OV”

    When we search the exact name – “3102042Z.OV” – it’s not found
    When we search the name and replace the dot with a space it works – “3102042Z OV”.

    We have tried mapping a space to a dot in functions.php but that didn’t help.

    Please advice 🙂

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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    Thank you for your help – it works – we are so happy to work with you 🙂
    We have a few more problems that require your help and we are getting close to perfection.

    We have problems when searching for 3 letter products like MDF or HDF (standard naming for our product). When we search for MDF we only get 3 results when in reality we should get >100 – same with HDF.

    Please advice.

    BTW. I would be happy to give you an excelent Envato Review and buy extra support – is there anything else I can do as a thank you for your help?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You are welcome, I’m glad it works 🙂

    I think you have uncovered a possible bug with the latest release. I’ve tried to search “MDF” and it indeed should return a higher number of results. I’ve tried to search the products on the product list page and there were like 30 results, so there is definitely something wrong.

    I’ve run a few tests on my local environments, and actually found the problem and a temporary fix by turning off the “Search in title” option on the General Options -> Sources panel. It’s not visible when using the index table engine, and it does not actually turn off the search in the titles, but it executes a specific code which was implemented in the recent version, which I suspect is not working correctly. I’ve already turned this off for you.

    Now, when I tried “MDF” it returned a big list of results similarly to the one on the back-end, so I believe it should work correctly now. Let me know! Sorry about the inconvenience, I’m going to investigate this issue further on my test environments and release a fix as soon as possible.

    If you can write a review, that’s greatly appreciated, it helps me the most 🙂


    This works pretty good, thank you.
    Unfortunately we have discovered another issue. When we type “płyty egger” all results are correct except for the last one which is in category “płyta kronospan”.
    Same thing happens when we’re looking for “laminaty egger” – last result is from category “płyta egger”.

    We’ve got “show exact matches only” turned off and “keyword logic” set to AND.
    Please help 🙂

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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