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Get taxonmy terms in search results

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  • #32903

    Thank you for your plugin, very helpfull for adding filters crossing custom post types and Events Manager.

    In the results, i need to display different taxonomies terms.
    I’m using the Horizontal layout, copied in my template.

    I’ve tried to add them the same way i’ve called them in my template without the search filter, but i can’t achieve this.
    I’ve replaced $post=>id by $r=>id but it return an empty div (cf screenshots).

    Can you help me please ?
    Thank you !

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Use $r->id not $r->ID in the code there, that is probably the main issue I can spot.


    So close and yet so far…
    Thank you, works perfectly!

    Another question on a different topic:
    I’m using your plugin with Events Manager.
    Do you think there is a way to group results by month, as Events Manager do on events list?
    I’ve succeed to order them by event start date, but my client wants a calendar style…

    Thank you

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You are welcome!

    I’m afraid that is not possible though.

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