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  • #27705

    Hi guys,
    I’m sorry to bother you with what is likely a simple, trivial setting but I can’t for the life of me figure out how we set this up so that simple plural searches show results. For example when they search for “boots”…. or “Boot”.. the same results appear.
    The ‘exact match’ is disabled, is that all it is?

    Any guidance as to where this is set is greatly appreciated.


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Doug,

    Unfortunately singular-plural conversion is way more complicated than that. It requires very advanced linguistics, which is beyond the plugin capabilities (if considering multiple languages).

    There is however a method, that may work for most words, when using the index table engine. The only way involves some custom coding:
    1. First you need to back-up all your server files
    2. Then adding this code to the functions.php file in your theme directory.
    3. If you are not using the index table engine, then first you need to configure it. Then re-creating the index with the code active, should add detected singularized/pluralized keywords as well.

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