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problems with multi language via wpml

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  • #4359

    For the above website we made a custom post type that is translatable via WPML. The website is available in three languages: Dutch/Belgian, Dutch/Netherlands and French/Belgian.

    When we enable the wpml compatibility option in the settings of our search field, we encounter a problem on the Dutch/Belgian and the Dutch/Netherlands part of the site namely that the search does not show any results. We do not have this problem on the French part of the site.

    Do you have any idea what could cause this problem?

    Kind regards
    Stijn Goethals

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I’ve checked and tried a few search phrases there.

    First, I’ve switched the language to “Nederlands”. On the site I can see 1 post/movie, “AMOR FOU”. If I search for “amor” this movie shows up. Since this is the only movie available in that language, this is visible. See screenshot:

    Then I tried French, but there are no translations available, so it doesn’t show any movies, just some pages:

    Then I tried the default the “vlaams”, there I get lots of results:

    Is this different to you? These results look all right to me. What should be different?


    I checked again with google chrome and I’m still facing the same issue. However when I do the same on safari the result look oké.

    Could caching be the cause of this problem?

    Kind regards
    Stijn Goethals

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Yes, most likely browser cache. I’m on chrome, but I just checked with firefox, and it looks ok as well.

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