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return the search results in an array of post ids

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  • #37489

    Hi, is it possible to return the search results in an array of post ids? We would like to see if we can use it in the post__in argument of WP_Query.


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    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Well, you are running a live search there – even if there was a way to get those IDs, the search is not yet started during the page load. You could only fetch the post IDs via front-end javascript, then probably run an asynchronous request to send the IDs as query arguments, fetch the data, and replace the widget.
    I am not sure if I recommend doing this, unless you have a very strong experience with both back-end and front-end coding, or have a good developer of doing that.


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    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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