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Style (CSS) loading method: File not working

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  • #42082

    when choosing:
    Style (CSS) loading method: FILE
    Its not loading like a classic file as it did before update.

    I have not updated yet on live site, but on local site the issue arises as follows:

    – If first page is one without search form.
    – Navigating (PJAX) to next page with form, will not load form styles.

    If theres is a js action i can call on page change to load styles, that would work as well.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    You may need to clear the cache only – if the file method is chosen, then the stylesheets are definitely enqueued on all of the website pages. The issue is more likely a cache or a missing wp_head or wp_footer section. You should also check if the stylesheet files are generated in the wp-content/cache/asp/ folder. If that folder does not exist, then try creating it manually, then saving the search options again to refresh.

    You can however forcefully enqueue the plugin styles via:

    \WPDRMS\ASP\Asset\Css\Manager::_o()->enqueue( true );, but this is actually executed anyways if the file method is used.

    You can use this like:

    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function(){
         \WPDRMS\ASP\Asset\Css\Manager::_o()->enqueue( true );

    But I strongly recommend checking the file wp-content/cache/asp/ folder first if it exists.


    The cache folder was missing, thank you!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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