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The field "Show search in custom post types selectors" is not saving

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  • #729

    I would like to specifically filter som custom post types, which should be available with this plugin.

    But when I drag the available post types, any on them, to the field “Drag here the post types you want to use!” and press at Save all tabs button, the custom post types field is not saved on the field “Drag here the post types you want to use!”.

    Is this a bug?

    I run the version 1.81.

    I hope that you can help me to solve this.

    Show search in custom post types selectors


    I solved the issue,
    there was a simple quote missing on the following line in the file:


    line: 37

    <input type='hidden' value=" . $this->data . " name='" . $this->name . "'>";

    should be

    <input type='hidden' value='" . $this->data . "' name='" . $this->name . "'>";

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