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Use custom page to results

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  • #30092

    It’s possible to sustitute this page seacrh by your Ajax Search PRO and results appeasr in the same page (

    Our idea is not used WordPress search default page, and use this.

    Thanks in advance,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I’m afraid no, that is a custom built search page.

    You could possibly use the search, settings and results shortcodes via the shortcode builder within the same page to build something similar. Then using the auto populate feature will display the results on page load as well.


    Ok, we try to construct this result page using Shortcodes.
    We have another question:
    – We have created a custom post type (Car) with 2 taxonomies: category-car and tag-car.
    – We have added defined Cars with those Taxonomies (
    – We try to configure your Ajax Search Pro plugin to find into this Custom post Type and his Taxonomies, to return results ( and
    .- When i try to finde somehing like “ferrari” or “ferrari rojo”, didn’t return nothing (
    We need to configure something more to search this kind off searchs.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    The Genelal Options -> Sources 2 panel is to select taxonomy terms to return as results. If you want to search within the taxonomy terms in relation with the post types, and return the post type, then please check this.


    Hi Ernest,

    Ok, thanks.
    We will try it but nothing search again… We continue this steps:
    1) Add those options in “Index Table” section (
    2) We try using same index table and creating new.
    3) Turn off the configuration before ( We have only kept those from Source 1.
    4) We try using “Regular Engine” and “Index table engine” in Search Engine (

    And same result…

    We need something more to work?


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    If you are reffering to the results page, then also make sure the search results override feature is also enabled.


    Hi Ernest,
    I try also configuring those options, but the same result.
    – General Options -> Logic and Behavior (
    – Compability and other Options -> Query Compability (
    Do we need to configure something else?
    Thanks you very much,


    Hi Ernest,

    You can test in this URL: Your search is the red one.
    In this case, return cars in the search page but only one from the tag-car “ferrari rojo” ( Rest of those, not matched with “ferrari rojo” (
    Tell us please, if you need accesses to WordPress admin panel.
    Thank you very much,

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    If you have any other search plugins or any custom code active, I recommend turning them off, as they can override each other.
    Also, if the results page is custom coded, make sure there is no custom query running in there, but actually parses the posts passed by the original wordpress query.

    If no luck, then please add temporary FTP and back-end access. I will try to debug through the code to see waht is happening there.


    You cannot access this content.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Thank you!

    I checked, and all I changed was I enabled the index table engine. The searches seem to work all right. For example, searching the tag “rojo”, gives me the following live results:
    On the results page, the same 3 results:


    Hi Ernest,
    Thanks! Now is working.
    Only one thing more about results, is it possible to search in category-car too?
    If we try to find Ferrari, returns results too.
    If we find “ferrari rojo” returns this 3 results, but if i find “Ferrari” return results about Ferrari category-car.
    Is it possible?


    Hi Ernest,
    And it’s also to find in car title and description?

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Make sure to re-create the index (and wait until finishes) – it should get everything you need, titles, contents, ategories etc..


    Hi Ernest,
    Thank you very much, but doesn’t works correctly… Excuse me, maybe i explain bad.
    We want to work in this sense:
    – If we find “ferrari rojo”, only return 3 results. This 3 cars with tag-car “ferrari rojo”.
    – If we find “ferrari”, return everything with ferrari. In this case we expect many results
    – If we find by name like “Aston Martin Vanquis”, only one result. It’s ok.

    We only see wrong in the first case. Can you help us to configure to works in this sense? And then, How do you do it?

    Thank you very much,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by smartbrandsmartbrand.
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