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tooltip problem in 4.8

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  • #26265

    Since updating to Ajax Search Pro 4.8, the Simple Tooltips plugin ( has stopped working on our site. The plugin uses css and jquery to produce tooltips in pages or posts.

    Before the upgrade, this worked well, but after upgrading, tooltips do not appear when hovering over the selected trigger word as they should.

    Deactivating Ajax Search Pro makes the tooltips come right back, but as soon as ASP is activated again, tooltips stop appearing.

    (An example page is where the word “caliph” in the first sentence should have a definition appear as a tooltip when hovering over the word.)

    Any advice? Ajax Search Pro is a fantastic plugin and we rely on it heavily, but that tooltip function is also quite important to us. Thanks!

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you for the details, however I cannot access the sample URL unfortunately.
    Can you also add temporary FTP and back-end access? I would like to debug the page for errors. I suspect this might be only a minor CSS conflict of some sort.


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    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you very much, I was able to find the issue and fix it. For now I have enabled the following option to bypass the issue (default is “Minified”):

    The problem is with a javascript easing method for the animation which is not compabible with the other plugin script. I will make sure to correct the issue for the upcoming release.


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    Thanks, changing that setting worked perfectly. Really appreciate the help. Can I also say it’s a terrific plugin! We love it.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

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