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Need help with hovering a compact search box

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  • #33516

    I am trying to figure out what settings would allow me to place a compact search in my menu that floats both the search box and the results over the webpage content, so nothing the user sees a large search box and none of the page elements are pushed.

    Currently, I can successfully add a compact search to a menu item, but the search box is cut off by the end of the menu element. Like this

    Is there a way for when the user clicks on the menu search icon that the search box expands right and the search results float over the page?


    Hello, when is your support online? My question was from a few days ago.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    I am very sorry for the late response, somehow I missed your ticket by accident, I am not sure what happened. I even recall reading it.

    Is there a page active where I can check this? Also, can you please update the back-end details to make sure they work.

    I assume it might be doable, but some custom styling could be required to align the search bar properly.


    No worries. I have a workaround using the normal search box linked to a page with your plug-in. I think I’m okay with that. Great work on this plug-in BTW.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    All right 🙂 Let me know if you need anything.

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