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Problem to display related post plug

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  • #7023
    Gary Assoun-JournoGary Assoun-Journo


    I would like to know how I can display the related post plugin only under the single post, and not under the page where it agregates extracts of the post

    For example :

    If I reactivate Related Post Pro plugin, the widget displays under every entry…

    Thank you for your support.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    On the Layout Options -> Output Options panel, turn ON the Show on single content pages? option and turn OFF the Show on archive pages? option, that should do the trick:

    Let me know if that works.

    Gary Assoun-JournoGary Assoun-Journo

    Hello Ernest and thanks for your support.

    Unfortunetaly, it’s still displaying here : under every articles excerpts…


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Interesting. The theme might use a different method of displaying articles on the blog page.

    Can you add temporary ftp and back-end details to your test server so I can check on the code what exactly is going on? It appears to me that the plugin might detect that it’s displayed on a single page, when actually it isn’t. I would like to investigate why.

    To safely add the details you can edit your initial post in this thread, or upload a .txt file attachment. Both methods are safe and visible to only me and you.

    Gary Assoun-JournoGary Assoun-Journo


    edited my first post ;).

    Thanks for your support

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


    Thank you for the details, it made my work much faster 🙂

    I’ve actually found a possible bug in the plugin, and corrected it in the code. The plugin should not be visible anymore on the archive pages 🙂

    Gary Assoun-JournoGary Assoun-Journo

    Seems to be woring really fine 🙂
    Thanks Ernest

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    You are welcome! Let me know if you need any help.

    If you like the plugin, you can leave a rating on it on your codecanyon downloads page, it’s greatly appreciated.

    Happy holydays!

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