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Multisite Select Not working

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  • #7908


    I am trying to save the multisite selection. The save does not happen

    a. I have subdomain site
    b. In the multisite, I am able to view the demo1 site in “Available blogs”
    c. I can drag the “demo1” blog to “Drag here the blogs you want to use!”
    d. When I save, I get success save message but when I revisit “multisite options” again, demo1 is still in “Available blogs”.

    Not sure what is the error. Can you please help ?

    Note : This is my test site and if you need, you can make any changes


    To add, I have created some custom fields in home page of my subdomain sites. The three custom fields I have created are
    a. Cuisine
    b. Location
    c. City

    I do not see these custom fields also in General Options -> Search in custom fields (Available public custom fields types)

    I am in effect not able to search multisite.

    I know I tested this functionality earlier and it was working. I refreshed the installation with the latest version of wordpress, and now it is not working. Not sure, if I have missed any setting.



    While googling, I found that the issue of select and save was with IE. I am able to save when I use google.

    However, I still do NOT see the custom fields I created in my subdomain in General Options -> Search in custom fields (Available public custom fields types)



    I checked later and I found that custom fields were also available. May be it takes time to refresh after selecting the blogs to use.

    This issue can be closed.

    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    As per user request, I’m closing this ticket. If you have any other questions, please open a new one.

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