Reply To: Search in the whole title instead of only beginning

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support Search in the whole title instead of only beginning Reply To: Search in the whole title instead of only beginning

Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


I see you have the search override enabled, so your settings are correct. The problem in this case is probably that something else is overriding the search results passed on by the Ajax Search Pro plugin to the search.php file.

It can be another search plugin with a search override activated, or there is a direct code within the search.php file which runs a separate query, that ajax search pro is not able to override. Usually it’s the second one, and the only way to overcome that is to remove that unneccessary query from the search.php file, as the search results are already passed to it by WordPress core.

If you want, you can leave FTP and back-end access, and I will take a look at the theme code via FTP to check if that is the case, and if it’s fixable at all.

Ernest Marcinko

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