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Ernest Marcinko
Ernest Marcinko


After a few hours of experimenting I might have found the cause, but I’m not able to fix it per se.

When resizing, the menu script physically moves the nodes around the node tree. I have no idea why the theme author choose this solution, but he must have had his reasons.

The problem is, I found, that safari fails when moving SVG nodes from one position to another. I have no idea why, this shouldn’t happen, just like in the other browsers. The search unfortunately uses high resolution SVG icons (magnifier, loading, settings).
When I disabled these icons in the code, the page didn’t fail.

Luckily there is a solution I guess. You will have to upload custom icons for magnifier, settings and loading. The good thing is, that you can do that on the backend under the Theme Options panel for each icon.

There are a few unused (non svg) icons available in the plugins /img/ folder, you can use those if you want to.

Ernest Marcinko

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