Reply To: Ajax search pro problem


I like your plugin very much, it has so many useful options! Unfortunately it does not work on my site yet (I believe there is some major problem because it seems like nothing is working correctly).
I’m using one of the best and most sold themes on themeforest ( Flatsome UX), I have disabled all plugins except woocommerce, I have read manual carefully and still nothing.
Here are some of thing I struggle with:
1) I would like to show in search only products in English language when I am at English page searching and Croatian products when I’m at Croatian language page. Instead I see in dropdown only English products and when I press enter I see listed only Croatian products
2) I can not click on shown product in dropdown. Products are show but not reacting on click
3) I have excluded some categories but when I’m searching products from those categories are also shown
4) Under frontend search settings- Categories and taxonomies in ‘Show the following taxonomy term selectors on frontend ‘ I put few categories for Croatian language, but the does not work on front end, search display everything and not from category that is selected
Would you please be so kind and help with your experience. I believe that solution is very simple but I can not see it. Thank you very much in advance.