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Reply To: Category Name Filter Not Working

Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko


I think the problem here might be that you are using a custom taxonomy.

I suppose you are talking about this example:

This only works with post categories, because for other taxonomy terms a different wordpress function is used. I’ve made a quick modification, that should get the terms of the specified taxonomy:

add_filter( ‘asp_pagepost_results’, ‘asp_add_term_titles’, 1, 1 );

function asp_add_term_titles( $pageposts ) {
foreach ($pageposts as $k=>$v) {

// Edit this to the taxonomy you are using
$taxonomy = "mytaxonomy";

// Get the taxonomy terms
$post_terms = wp_get_post_terms( $pageposts[$k]->id, $taxonomy );
$terms = "";

// Concatenate category names to the $cats variable
foreach($post_terms as $c){
$term = get_term( $c, $taxonomy );
$terms = " ".$term->name;

// Modify the post title
$pageposts[$k]->title .= " ".$terms;

return $pageposts;

Don’t forget to change the $taxonomy variable to the taxonomy you are using with the custom post type.